For the full story of everything behind the Breon brand, we had the pleasure of talking to the CEO of the company and founder of Social Friday, Mr. Fikret Zendeli.
Fikret was born and raised in Switzerland. In his twenties, while working in a big civil engineering company in Zurich, he developed an idea of moving here and starting his own company.
His entrepreneurial spirit, dedication, and hard work made all of his dreams a reality. He took his two computers and traveled back with his father’s old Golf 3. That’s how Breon was born – a company with only one employee and big plans for the future.
Read the interview and find out more about Breon’s journey, where is Breon now, and what the future of this company looks like.
*This is what the first office of Breon looked like
*This is what the office of Breon looks like now
The idea for Breon was born in late 2006, while I was working in a big civil engineering company in Zurich. One day during a conversation with two colleagues the idea was born and from then on until the end of 2009 it was prepared in more detail, so I could start in early 2010 with 1 employee.
Incredible dedication to quality, not only in terms of what ends up on paper (not only what is visible) but the complete range of services, from asking a question to the final product. This is appreciated by the customers and results in the fact that for a good 4-5 years we have been able to choose which projects we want to participate in.
Unfortunately, no specific story. I just wanted a short international catchy name, where the word ‘’on’’ was included.
To be part of technically highly demanding projects like the reconstruction project on the Bahnhofstrasse 53 in Zurich, where we were involved for almost 3 years with other top professionals from Switzerland.
In the Swiss market that demands very high standards of precision and meeting deadlines. To be part of such an environment, in the long run, means ”automatically” an increase of your own professional quality.
The possibility to work with the latest BIM technology and software solutions – In this area Breon has been investing intensively in the development of know-how since 2015.
And the fact that wages and other bonuses are paid on time, even in uncertain times like these, says a lot about the serious business culture in Breon.
Only those who attach great importance to quality and reliability. As Breon, we have established a privileged position where we do not have to work with customers who do not share these values.
The time where we realized the highly demanding project at Bahnhofstrasse 53 in the heart of Zurich in one of the 3 most expensive spots on the planet, with a quality that is absolutely above average even for Swiss standards.
*The project at 53 in Zurich
*The project at Bahnhofstrasse 53 in Zurich
On the one hand, Breon demands an enormous amount of quality from its employees in an area of Europe where quality awareness has yet to be developed in many areas of life. At the same time, Breon tries within the scope of its possibilities to give as much as possible back to its employees and to be a reliable employer even in times of crisis.
In this area, however, we admittedly have a lot of work ahead of us in order to harmonize the two working cultures of Switzerland and Northern Macedonia as much as possible.
At this point we need the commitment of all Breon employees from the valued cleaning lady to the CEO.
To me it means dedication to precise work.
To young professionals I can only recommend, to not first focus on the money, but on opportunities to grow and expand your professional knowledge and attitudes. As more demanding/challenging the surrounding is, as more you will develop as a professional!
If I pursue long-term serious business intentions, there is no way around the perception of social responsibility (healthier society = better economy)! As an entrepreneur I have a social responsibility. With Social Friday we offer our employees a regular ”frame” during paid working hours, where they can expand their social awareness and do good for society.
At the same time, Social Friday gives us the opportunity to get to know each other better, to support our community with ”men power” and donations. I strongly believe it’s a great win-win-win situation for everyone involved!
Difficult for me to imagine a better task than spending my life in bringing all around the world people together to support each other. It’s a big life goal for me to ‘’export’’ the concept of Social Friday. What we have already succeeded in Austria, Latvia, and Norway. For Switzerland and the USA there was already serious interest to adopt the concept there for the first time. Due to the Corona crisis the events are postponed indefinitely.
*The team of Breon at a Social Friday event
That quality, in the long run, business view, always pays off even in times of crisis. Especially if you have the privilege to work for a market like the Swiss one, where quality is valued.
We are about to start a new building project, in which many top professionals are involved. This prestigious project will guarantee us work and stable conditions beyond the year 2020.
We are always happy to welcome new colleagues who share our vision of quality and social commitment. Engineers and architects who are interested can contact us at [email protected].
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the employees, present and past ones, and all the customers, for the 10 years of Breon! It was an intensive warm-up with many interesting and instructive experiences.
I am pleased to be able to invest the experience gained in an even better Breon and Social Friday.
*Mr. Fikret Zendeli at a Social Friday event at the German Embassy
We at Breon are dedicated to our customers, we acknowledge our part in society and we care about the environment.
Join our team and become part of the family.
Apply at [email protected]